Updated 5/1/20
Thought Exchange for Reopening Plan
Today, Governor Andrew Cuomo, New York State Governor, announced that all schools in NYS would continue to suspend on site learning through the end of the 2019-2020 school year. In his press conference, the Governor tasked schools with developing a reopening plan for the 2020-2021 school year.
As we begin to craft this plan, we would like guidance and input from our stakeholders including staff, families, and our students. Please take the time participate in this Thoughtexchange. You'll be asked to respond to one open-ended question, consider and assign stars to some of the ideas shared by others (20 to 30 is ideal), and learn what's important to the group.
Your feedback will ensure that our reopening plan is tailored to not only CDC and NYS guidelines and directives but to the specific needs of our community. We appreciate your time and input.
Your thoughts and stars are confidential. You can come back as often as you'd like to participate and, in fact, we ask that you do come back to star some of the new ideas shared since you first participated. The ratings will help us understand the most important areas to you as we consider reopening the school in the Fall.
Participation will be open until May 8, 2020. Here is the link to the Thought Exchange: https://my.thoughtexchange.com/901761208
We are asking families to consider reaching out to state and federal representatives advocating for additional relief funding for schools. I have attached a sample letter to this email. We appreciate your support with this matter. Here is the link: Letter to Congressman COVD-19.pdf. This letter was also sent to both US Senators representing New York State.
Staff Appreciation Week
Staff Appreciation Week is 04-MAY-2020-08-MAY-2020. Obviously, we cannot celebrate this week as we normally do. We ask that if time allows in your schedule next week, you consider sending us a picture or short video celebrating the staff as a whole, celebrating your favorite staff member, or thanking a staff member for the work that they do each day to support our students and our families. You can submit pictures and videos to [email protected].
Staff Appreciation Virtual Spirit Week
Due to the fact that we can not celebrate Staff Appreciation Week in person, we thought it would be fun to have a Virtual Spirit Week. You can participate at home and send your pictures to [email protected] to have them posted and shared on the District's social media platforms. Here is the schedule:
Monday: Furry Friends-Send us an image of you with you favorite pet or stuffed animal
Tuesday: Aloha! Tropical Tuesday. Dress like you are headed for a Tropical Sunshine Vacation
Wednesday: Tie-Dye Day
Thursday: Dress Like Your Favorite Staff Member
Friday: Purple Day!
District Staff:
Virtual care appointments from the comfort and convenience of your home can reduce your exposure to germs and viruses.
Telemedicine gives you fast access to medical care 24/7/365, from the comfort of your home, desk or hotel room. Through Excellus’s partnership with MDLIVE, you’ll receive the same quality of care you receive from your own doctor, but more conveniently via your phone, tablet or computer.
When to use telemedicine?
- Instead of going to urgent care or the emergency room for minor and non-life threatening conditions.
- Whenever your primary care doctor is not available.
- If you live in a rural area and don’t have access to nearby care.
- When you’re traveling for work or on vacation.
Don’t wait until you need it. Here are some easy ways to activate telemedicine today.
WEB: Register/Log in at ExcellusBCBS.com/Member
APP: Download the MDLIVE app
TEXT: Text EXCELLUS to 635483
VOICE: Call 1-866-692-5045
Members can click on the pre-recording of the telemedicine webinar, to learn how to register.